Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dance Recital, Last Day of School, Soccer Tournament and Other Fun May Events

Here are some recent pictures. The first two are of Jensen and friends at her dance recital from yesterday (Saturday, May 30). The picture with 4 girls are Jensen, Paige and Kara (from behind us) and Elizabeth (friend from down the street that moved to a different school this year). There is also a picture of the three older kids on their last day of school. There are also a few pictures from Nicholas' Memorial Day soccer tournament where his team went 3 and 0 in the round robin but lost in the finals. One of the pictures has Jonathan's friend Austin and Charlie and Mallory Martin (Charlie is Nicholas' good friend). There is also a picture of Chris on the day of his first baseball game, a picture that Jensen desperately wanted me to post from a band concert about a month ago, a funny old picture of Nicholas at the February 2009 Cub Scout pinewood derby, and one of my favorite pictures of our kids from Christmas 2008.


  1. I've been waiting for more pictues. I love these. What darling children and so so busy. Looking at the picture of Jonathan at Xmas and then the one from last week it seems as if he has had a little growth spurt.Hooray!!!!! Way to go Nicholas on the soccer tournament and can't wait to hear about Chris and baseball. Jensen, you are just an all round beautiful and talented young lady.

  2. Yeah! Love the pictures. They are all so cute. I cant believe that you are out of school. Very uncool!! I love the picture of the band concert and the one with the kids friends. Thanks for sharing!!! Love you guys.

  3. so i was looking at the christmas picture and the last day of school one, and jonathan is practically wearing the same outfit, except the last day of school one is all short sleeves and shorts! :) and jonathan, sorry about the cast, feel better!!!!! cant wait to see you all in a few weeks!!!! enjoy the beginning of your summer! so jealous!!!! love ya, amy
